Energy Saving Action - Solar Roof

Bernd/Jiang Wei
KRAIBURG Rubber Suzhou demonstrated its commitment to sustainability by leading the way in adopting a solar roof system as a climate resilience solution.
In April 2022, KRAIBURG Rubber (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. demonstrated its commitment to sustainability by leading the way in adopting a solar roof system as a climate resilience solution. This innovative system harnesses energy directly from the sun, reducing the company's dependence on fossil fuels and, in turn, mitigating its carbon footprint. Moreover, it will alleviate the pressure on the local community's power supply.
Thanks to the support of the local government, this project was successfully completed in a remarkably short time of under five months. After signing a contract with the supplier in July 2022, KRAIBURG Rubber Suzhou received government registration and approval in August 2022. Construction took place in September 2022, and on November 16, 2022, KRAIBURG Rubber Suzhou's solar roof project became operational, generating power and connecting to the power grid.
As of the end of March 2023, KRAIBURG Rubber Suzhou's solar roof system has generated a total of 140,000 kilowatt-hours of power, which is equivalent to mitigating 138 tons of carbon dioxide emissions and resulted in a financial saving of approximately RMB115,000. It is expected that during the summer period, when there is more sunlight, the solar roof system will generate even more power.