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KRS Ultra-Clean Compounds

Jiang Wei


New extrusion line consisting of a combination of PIN Extruder and Gear Pump to make ultra-clean compound.

With the installation of our new extrusion line consisting of a combination of PIN Extruder and Gear Pump we can make now sure supply of ultra-clean compound also in high quantities.


With our different sets of extruder

  • Pin Extruder 90 mm

  • Gear Extruder 75 mm

  • Extruder Gear Pump 120 mm

  • Extruder Gear Pump 150 mm


We are able to do extrusion of many different kinds of rubber, from standard EPDM to VAMAC or even FKM under very mild conditions with little impact on final properties of the final compound.


Screening is possible with filters down to 50 mµ (270 Mesh) producing all kinds of shapes of continuous strips.

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